Conferencia Rails
Madrid, 13-15th October 2016
What is this?
Conferencia Rails is the most venerable large scale Spanish Ruby and Rails related event. It has held 7 editions, spawned 1 spin-off sister js event, received +1.600 attendees and brought +120 speakers.
This year we had some workshops, and two days full of amazing talks. The conference took place in Madrid as customary.
We had also a good deal of talk proposals from all around the world.
The selected talks and schedule can be found at the
Shcedule page.
but have a glance at the international guest stars that visited us on
Ruby, Rails and Rack Core contributor. Renowned speaker at numerous international events, and author of Nokogiri(XML parser) and Psych(YAML parser) Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) is one of Ruby's most respected and loved programmers. He has improved ActiveRecord substantively in usability and performance and is also on the Ruby and Rails security teams.
Famous for his excellent work on Rails documentation and Rails Guides, Xavier Noria (@fxn) is Member of the Rails core team and Ruby Hero Award winner in RailsConf 2010. A self-employed Ruby developer from Barcelona, he has spoken at numerous Ruby and Rails conferences across the world and is the author of Rails Contributors.
Senior Software Developer based in Seattle, Kerri Miller (@kerrizor) has participated in numerous events around the world spreading her knowledge and voicing her opinions which are very highly regarded in the Ruby community. She is often in the role of bridging the gap between hard demands of technology and the soft desires of business and art. Kerri enjoys teaching among many things and is now part of the Github team.
Godfrey Chan (@chancancode) is a member of the Ruby on Rails core team and an Ember.js contributor. He currently works at Tilde as an in-house Canadian. In his previous life, he was also an award-winning WordPress™ plugin author.
And a lot more you can check out at the speakers page.
The conference talks took place at the unique MEEU space just on top of the well known Chamartin Station
Friday's Dinner & Saturday Drinks
Conference nights were full of fun, paarty and relaxed networking, because tech is only half of the history, Conferencia Rails always makes place for some good old human-to-human interaction.
We did and open album so you can all add your own photos and comment: Conferencia Rails 2016 in pictures
Who are the organizers?
Conferencia Rails is organized by the “Asociación para la Promoción del Desarrollo web” (APRODEWEB) a non-profit, volunteer-driven association to promote web development in Spain. It has been organizing a conference on Ruby and Rails for the past 6 years.